Learn how to


You're spending HOURS trying to figure out what to post, how to post and where. Seems like more and more, it's getting near impossible to get our Gen Z clients to reshare our images, so having a social media strategy is KEY.  You know this, but it's just so freakin' hard! You need an easy plan to follow.

Give this to me for $37!


In this bite-sized course,


You will learn how to come up with one main piece of content and optimize it, then easily turn it into MANY pieces that you can use for all your social media marketing content.  In about 55 minutes, you will have ALL the tools you need to repurpose up to 25 pieces of content, including a spreadsheet to keep you organized & on track.


Imagine How This Will Feel:


✅ You have a PLAN every month

✅ You no longer stress or wonder what to post.

✅ Your target clients are connecting with you.

✅ As a side effect, you get better organic SEO!

✅ You have more free time 😊

I want this!

I'll teach you a simple, easy to implement strategy that you can then put on repeat.


Course Contents:


  • Module One: 

    • Intro (2:54 minutes)
  • Module Two:

    • First two pieces of content (10:58 minutes)
  • Module Three:

    •  Third piece of content (3:35 minutes)
  • Module Four:

    • Thirteen pieces of content (14:59 minutes)
  • Module Five:

    • Nine pieces of content (16:11 minutes)
  • Module Six:

    • Scheduling and strategy (5:58 minutes)
  • Module Seven:

    • Wrapping up (7:15 minutes)
  • Module Eight:

    • Bonuses & resources (includes a google spreadsheet already formatted for you + lots of hashtags for senior photographers and more)

Total Value = $597

YOUR PRICE = only $37

Yes, only $37!

A Note From Yours Truly


Hey hey, I'm Renee ✌🏼 


I've been a photographer for many moons ... I started on film if that gives you an idea of how old I am - before it was cool to shoot film, when it was our only option. I have a BA in Psychology and I'm also certified in NLP Life Coaching and Neuro-encoding. 

In 2007, I decided to specialize in high school senior portraits because nobody was offering anything like it here in my area. I saw a need and created a niche for myself which has generously rewarded me both financially and personally. 

It's important to me that you know that I did NOT always have this figured out. I floundered for a while before truly figuring out how to make real money at senior photography. That's why I am so passionate about helping you scale your business and make great money doing something you love.

I've created tons of free resources for you over the years, but I have wanted to offer a mini-course that delivered massive value for some time now.  I know that social media is a huge struggle for so many of my coaching students, so I cannot wait for you to dive into REPURPOSE! 


Jen Pisani

"At tonight’s meeting I signed 5 Elite Level and 2 Basic Level for class of 2022. I have 3 more girls to talk to but even if they don’t join I am super stoked. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for all your support, content, and support! You are truly a blessing!!!! You really helped me pivot this week and I’m forever grateful."

Gretchen Leigh

“Because of your Influencer Model Program, I have been the most optimistic I have been in quite a while. Somehow, it has led me to brainstorm more creatively than usual. I still need to implement and make the ideas happen, but it's a step in the right direction and I honestly haven't felt this way in a while. Thank you!!”

Stephany Fashempour

“I can't believe how well the Influencer Program and the Level Up coaching works! Seriously, if you do the work, take Renee's advice, listen and learn - your investment comes back! I just had my influencer team meetings and my signups were higher than expected and one of my levels was SIX TIMES the amount I charged last year! 

Total Value = $597

YOUR PRICE = only $37

100% a no brainer! Let me in!



Keep Track

of all your posts & plan it out with this google spreadsheet 

Gen Z Materials

resources on how to connect with & attract your Gen Z audience 


a spreadsheet on hashtags for our niche & how popular they are 


Everyone knows

that we need to be in front of our Gen Z audiences on TikTok and Instagram, but most photographers don’t have time to come up with one post idea, much less a whole strategy.

The stress of having to be a content creator is literally making photographers run away from these platforms which is totally understandable, but I am here to tell you that you do not need to be overwhelmed.  

I'm excited! Take me to checkout!